Relationship between health and personality trait, psychosomatic complaints. The possibility of assistance

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Angelika Szatmári


In the past decades, the role of lifestyle factors receives more emphasis as risk factors of health. The increase in scientific interest is probably because lifestyle factors are mostly under the person’s own control and they can be changed more or less.

The health condition of males in our country is less discussed - probably due to the society’s attitudes- than females. Among Hungarian men premature death between the ages 49-65 is common and it is underlain by the chronic stress factors of the changing society and high-risk behaviors to alleviate stress (Kopp, 2009).

A significant relationship was observed between personality traits and psychosomatic complaints profiles. We can state that with paramedical counselling, patient conducting of clients with psychosomatic disorder a more favorable mental well-being can be established by the active participation of professional helpers. Patients might receive effective, targeted and problem-specific help. The present study confirmes that providing information during the therapy is a relevant aspect. Furthermore, it is substantial that elaborate on the effects of the treatment and experiences, to process information, to develop adaptive coping strategies against stress, and to indirectly or directly change health behaviors. Considering the relationship between personality traits and psychosomatic complaints, assessing personality traits may give reliable information about the physical conditions of individuals and contribute to completely understand patients and their general health as well as formulating optimal support and treatment approaches. An emphasized role should be provided in the treatment to counselling by medical staff and mental hygienists.

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How to Cite
Szatmári, Angelika. 2021. “Relationship Between Health and Personality Trait, Psychosomatic Complaints. The Possibility of Assistance”. Acta Sana 14 (1):3-14.



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