Description and effectiveness of an educational program in order to develope post-covid mental health and learning efficiency among students of SZTE-ETSZK

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Judit Gulyás
Edit Magdolna Biró
Renáta Tóth


The pandemic had numerous effects on our lives. These can be the more common occurence of difficulties related with stress, mood life and burnout that affects students too. The aim of our study was to assess the long-term outcomes of the pandemic through studies and mental health based on the students’ experiences.


We involved students only from University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies in our longitudinal study (N=55). At the first data collection (T1), we used demographic questions, self-developed questions (online/offline experiences), standardized questionnaires (Perceived Stress Scale, Maslach Bunout Inventory-Student Version, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory-9) and self-developed scales (Time Management Scale, Learning Technique Scale, Stress Management Scale). The respondents were divided into two groups. The experimental group received educational materials in e-mails, but the control group didn’t get this intervention. Afterwards, we conducted a resurvey on both two groups with an abbreviated questionnaire package.


In the control group (N=31), only the decrease of the perceived stress was significant at the comparison of T1 and T2 dates (p=0,049). While, in the experimental group (N=24), significant improvement was shown trough the amount of perceived stress (p=0,001), in burnout’s efficiency reduction dimension (p=0,009), coping with purposeful action (p=0,009), coping with the search of emotional balance (p=0,032) and in the application frequency of learning techniques (p=0,001) and stress management techniques (p=0,022).


Seeing the results, it can be worth using the opportunities by the online environment in such a preventive way.

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How to Cite
Gulyás, Judit, Edit Magdolna Biró, and Renáta Tóth. 2023. “Description and Effectiveness of an Educational Program in Order to Develope Post-Covid Mental Health and Learning Efficiency Among Students of SZTE-ETSZK”. Acta Sana 16 (1):3-26.


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