Las interpretaciones de La casa de Bernarda Alba en los teatros húngaros en el siglo XXI

Contenido principal del artículo


Federico García Lorca's last play, The House of Bernarda Alba was in fact his first drama that was
presented to the Hungarian audience in the 1950s. Nearly sixty years have passed since then, and
numerous Hungarian theaters have included this play in their repertoire. I managed to trace 19 premiers
from the period of 1955-2000 and 25 since the turn of the century. However, behind these high numbers
we do not always find traditional theatrical presentations working with Lorca’s text. Other adaptations,
like dance or musical plays, were also inspired by Lorca's drama, but with their different forms of
expression they distinguished themselves from the traditional prose theater. Nevertheless, the presentation of
these performances is important as well, as they contribute to the formation of Lorca's image in the
Hungarian audience. From these performances this study examines some of those from the first decade of
the 21st century that, in some way, were significant, memorable or outstanding stagings.


Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Katona, E. (2013). Las interpretaciones de La casa de Bernarda Alba en los teatros húngaros en el siglo XXI. Acta Hispanica, 18, 105–129.