Renewal of Teaching-learning in Higher Education. Strategy for the Analysis of Socio-environmental Processes and the Transformation of the Landscape in Mexico

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José Isabel Juan Pérez


The Mexican territory is complex, it is characterized by its environmental, landscape and sociocultural diversity, it is the result of the interaction of natural geographical divisions and political-administrative divisions in connection with unsustainable economic activities that cause landscape transformation in various regions. In 2017, a group of researchers from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico initiated the project Network of communities for the renewal of teaching-learning in higher education, with the purpose of promoting a culture of collaboration among academics of several mexican universities for innovation and improvement of teaching and research. The transversal axes to promote the renewal of the teaching-learning process of higher education in Mexico are three: a) complex thinking approach, b) research-action, and c) information and communication technologies, these in interaction with fundamentals of geography, environmental geography, cultural ecology and fieldwork techniques, which facilitated the process of reflection of students and teachers in real, spatial and temporal situations of socio-environmental processes and transformation of the landscape of the community of Progreso Hidalgo, State of Mexico. The participants in this project conclude that the interaction of theoretical foundations, methods and techniques linked to complex thinking, research-action and the application of information and communication technologies of this new educational model favored the identification and analysis of processes socio-environmental and landscape transformation in the community of Progreso Hidalgo.


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How to Cite
Juan Pérez, J. I. (2020). Renewal of Teaching-learning in Higher Education. Strategy for the Analysis of Socio-environmental Processes and the Transformation of the Landscape in Mexico. Acta Hispanica, 25, 101–114.
Author Biography

José Isabel Juan Pérez, Autonomous Mexico State University

El Doctor José Isabel Juan Pérez realizó estudios de licenciatura en Geografía y maestría en Ecología en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Es Doctor en Antropología Social por la Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México. Investiga temas de manejo de recursos naturales, procesos socioambientales, geografía humana, geografía del paisaje y sustentabilidad. Es investigador en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Publica libros y artículos científicos en editoriales y revistas nacionales e internacionales.

Received 2019-11-01
Accepted 2020-11-13
Published 2020-12-19


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