Bilateral Relations between Hungary and Colombia since 1924 An Analysis of Diplomatic History

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Veronika Hornyák


Since the announcement of the Southern Opening Strategy in 2015, the relationship between Hungary and the South American countries has shown dynamic development in the last few years. In 2017, in line with seven other states in the region, Hungary reopened its embassy in the Colombian capital, Bogotá. As a result of the current foreign policy trends, alongside the globalization and technological development, diplomatic relations are becoming more and more valorised and appreciated with countries such as Colombia, which are happened to be tens of thousands of kilometers away from Hungary. Adapting to these circumstances, the present research overviews the topic of Colombian-Hungarian relations chronologically from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day in the form of a diplomatic history analysis. Reviewing the diplomatic connections in this order, a greater emphasis was placed on circumstances, which have played a key role in Hungarian-Colombian relations. One such unfortunate case was the attempted murder of the Colombian ambassador to Hungary in Budapest in 1987, but much more positive ones can be highlighted as well. An example for the latter is the joint Hungarian-Colombian project funded by the European Trust Fund in one of the provinces of Colombia, which has been hit hardest by the protracted conflict and drug trafficking.


Article Details

How to Cite
Hornyák, V. (2020). Bilateral Relations between Hungary and Colombia since 1924 : An Analysis of Diplomatic History. Acta Hispanica, 25, 37–51.
Author Biography

Veronika Hornyák, National University of Public Service

Veronika Hornyák is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Military Sciences of National University of Public Service. The topic of her dissertation is the implementation of the UN Women, Peace and Security agenda in Europe, but she also studies and does research on Latin-American issues thanks to her Spanish knowledge. Till now, she has been dealing with Catalan-Spanish and Colombian research topics. She holds a master degree in International Public Service Relations and a postgraduate degree in Sports Diplomacy. She spent one and a half year in Barcelona interning for the Consulate General of Hungary with Erasmus+ scholarship and did a 4 month long traineeship at the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations in New York. In parallel with her studies Veronika works in education project management with special focus on international mobility projects and Erasmus programme.

Received 2020-10-16
Accepted 2020-11-13
Published 2020-12-19


Fuentes de archivo

Archivo Nacional de Hungría - MNL MOL XIX-J-1-j TÜK/Kolumbia/1972.

Archivo Nacional de Hungría - MNL MOL XIX-J-1-j TÜK/Kolumbia/1978.

Archivo Nacional de Hungría - MNL MOL XIX-J-1-j TÜK/Kolumbia/1989.

| Acta Hispanica 25: 37-51, 2020, ISSN 1416-7263, e-ISSN 2676-9719


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