Barça and the Catalan Identity

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Róbert Győri Szabó


Football has become a determining part of local, national identity, in minority environment, in several places football is also a means of separation from the majority nation and the state ruled by the majority. Sport and within this, football plays a special role in the emphasis of their national identity; as with its help Catalans strengthen their own national culture. Football is also a political statement in Catalonia, as they attach political importance to their own national team and to FC Barcelona which represents and symbolises their whole nation and Catalonia.


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Győri Szabó, R. (2021). Barça and the Catalan Identity. Acta Hispanica, (III), 133–143.
Author Biography

Róbert Győri Szabó, Széchenyi István University, Győr

Current positions:  Assistant Professor, Kautz Gyula Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Győr


M. A. in Economics and International Relations, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, 1995.

Ph. D. in International Relations, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, 1999

Habilitation, Political Sciences, 2012, Széchenyi István University, Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Field of interest: Nationalism, regionalism, ethnoregionalism, minority issues, the protection of minorities in Western European and ECE countries

Received 2021-07-27
Accepted 2021-08-29
Published 2021-10-29


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