A mezőgazdaság szerepe a késő középkori Pécsen
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The economic life of medieval Pécs was determined basically by three factors: first by its favourable geographical location and pleasant climate, secondly by the fact that due to the presence of the episcopal see and residence, of the chapter house that acted as a very significant place of authentication, it was an ecclesiastical centre of outstanding importance, and thirdly that it was situated in a region which, although, it had a very high population density, was, without significant towns. The fertile arable lands around the city were ideal for crop and wine growing, and provided enough produce not only for local consumption, but especially in the case of wine — also for long distance trade. Nevertheless, in the lack of relevant sources it is impossible to determine the ratio of those who within the urban society of the city were engaged directly in farming. Moreover the city, at several occasions, needed the import of cereals. The author makes an attempt — with the help of information gained mostly from charters and narrative sources — to localize the arable lands and wineyards owned by the burghers of the city. He also traces those data that refer to animal husbandry and fishing. As regards the former, the author stresses that the citizens of Pécs could participate in the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries in the international cattle export trade that prospered betwen Hungary and Italy.
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How to Cite
Petrovics, István. 2015. “A mezőgazdaság Szerepe a késő középkori Pécsen”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 137 (January):43-52. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10585.