The crisis of parliamentarism in caricatures

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Ágnes Tamás


The paper aims to present a comparative analysis of caricatures published in comic papers (Üstökös, Borsszem Jankó, Bolond Istók, and Kakas Márton) in the turn of the 20th century. The author intends to demonstrate the visual methods of depicting the obstruction in the Hungarian parliament (1895–1913). The comic papers represented the viewpoints of the Hungarian parties: Borsszem Jankó an-nounced the opinion of the government, the others the different wings of opposition. The results of the examination reveal that the visual techniques of depicting the obstruction were very similar in spite of the party motivated diverse judgement of the obstruction.

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How to Cite
Tamás, Ágnes. 2020. “The Crisis of Parliamentarism in Caricatures”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 145 (December):138-54.