The Russian Primary Chronicle on the nomadic peoples of the Eastern European steppe I. Scythians, Danubian Bulgars, Ughors, Avars, Khazars

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Szabolcs Polgár


In the chronicle there are many passages on the neighbours of the eastern Slavic tribes and the Rus. In this study I focuse on the first (’cosmographical’) part of the chronicle. The aim of my analysis is to select the reports by peoples, sources and evaluations of the chroniclers. In this part of the chronicle are mentioned many peoples, and all of the nomads are known from Byzantine sources. The chroniclers usually add to the reports of Byzantine origin own material from folk tradition or literature and parallels from the Bible. The reports and stories on the nomads play different roles in the chronicle, they transmit historical lessons for the readers. As for the peoples, the Scythians are the autochtonous people of the steppe, the Danubian Bulgars are partners of the Slavs, the Ugrians (Hungarians) are the wandering nomads who conquer a new homeland. The Avars symbolize the unlimited power and cruelty over the Slavs (Dulebians). The Avars were punished by God, they died out. The Khazars ruled over the Slavs (Polianians) but they lost their power. The chroniclers symbolize through the Khazars the emergence of the Kievan Rus.

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How to Cite
Polgár, Szabolcs. 2021. “The Russian Primary Chronicle on the Nomadic Peoples of the Eastern European Steppe I. Scythians, Danubian Bulgars, Ughors, Avars, Khazars”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 146 (December):15-31.