Consumption of organic and gluten-free products of Abonett Kft. (Ltd.) - in the light of a questionnaire survey




Extruded products, Food consumption, Healthy lifestyle, Questionnaire survey


The term healthy lifestyle is almost burned into our way of thinking. At the same time, diseases caused by certain allergens are also becoming more common. It is therefore inevitable that many people are looking for a new source of food instead of traditional bread. The Abonett product line offers them an alternative solution. In the course of our work, we tried to assess the familiarity and consumption of these products, as well as the opinions formed about them. To this end, we conducted an online questionnaire survey in the fall of 2021, which we shared on social media. In our opinion, opening to new segments, such as rice-based extruded products, soup pearls, or even sweet and salty snacks, is a possible option. The use of special ingredients and flavors can be interesting for customers. The information obtained during our research can be of help in the marketing strategy planning of the company, as well as in the analysis of the types of behavior related to consumers.


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How to Cite

Lendvai, E., & Dobos-Nagy, D. (2023). Consumption of organic and gluten-free products of Abonett Kft. (Ltd.) - in the light of a questionnaire survey. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 17(1), 44–51.


