A tanyai lakosság szerepe és helye a vidéki élet vérkeringésében

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Gálné Horváth Ildikó


The Great Hungarian Plain one of the - nowadays mentioned as a 'Hungaricum' in the literature - form of settlement; the population living on the farms occupies specific place in the Hungarian society.
Before years - centuries - of collectivization of the agriculture inhabitants working in agriculture, earning money from it was understand in the literature.
Nowadays all this an occupational construction, all of them all changed a lot in the look of commerce.
The peasantry had its share of a determining role in the Hungarian society's establishment in the course of the centuries; let it be an economy, sociology, a tradition, etc. In the past twenty years did not let the farms untouched. New inhabitants, who reveal a quite heterogeneous picture to us considering their occupation, their conduct, their social role, appeared on the farms. 


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Hogyan kell idézni
Gálné Horváth, Ildikó. 2009. „A Tanyai lakosság Szerepe és Helye a vidéki élet vérkeringésében”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 4 (2):9-12. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2009.2.9-12.
Folyóirat szám
Ökonómia és vidékfejlesztés