Energy consumption of urban public transport vehicles

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István Bodnár


This paper presents the energy consumption of urban public transport vehicles. During my research work, I investigated the relative energy consumption of diesel and CNG fueled buses equipped with internal combustion engines, as well as electric buses. In addition to energy consumption, I also calculated fuel costs.


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How to Cite
Bodnár, István. 2023. “Energy Consumption of Urban Public Transport Vehicles”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):83-89.
Author Biography

István Bodnár, Miskolci Egyetem Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Fizikai és Elektrotechnikai Intézet, Elektrotechnikai és Elektronikai Intézeti Tanszék (Miskolc)

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