About the Journal
Jelenkori társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok [Current social and economic processes] (ISSN 1788-7593 [Print], ISSN 2676-9867 [Online]) is the social science journal of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Szeged, which has been published since 2006 under the auspices of the Institute of Engineering Management and Economics (and its predecessor institutes). The journal is a forum for researches on various aspects of the functioning of society and economy. Thus, the journal addresses a wide range of topics in order to provide an opportunity to present the results of societal and economic researches in a broader context.
Our journal is classified by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IX Department of Economic and Legal Sciences), which is referred to as a scientific journal by the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT). The journal is published two to four times a year. Studies published in the journal are peer-reviewed and recommended for publication by two independent experts. Manuscripts are invited continuously throughout the year.