Thoughts on the „Systematics” of Rural Development Towards Completeness…

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Krisztián Kis


The responses to the challenges and opportunities created by the increasing complexity of our world require system thinking and approaches from different actors. This is also the case for rural areas, rural spaces and rural development. It is therefore important to recognize the relationships between system components. This paper presents some important aspects of the complexity of rural areas and rural development through the “goggles” of systemic approach. Topics that are of great relevance to the shaping of spatial processes in rural areas are presented and contextualized, so they are of great importance for rural development. Overall, it can be stated that networks and capacities, as determinants of the performance and success of rural spaces, play an essential role in the development of rural areas and in shaping the paradigm of rural development.


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How to Cite
Kis, Krisztián. 2019. “Thoughts on the „Systematics” of Rural Development: Towards Completeness…”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 14 (3):11-27.
Rural and spatial development