Comparison of Error Correction Codes for Industry 4.0 Applications

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Sándor Csikós
György Czifra
József Sárosi


Data is a crucial component in every Industry 4.0 technology, therefore, ensuring and improving the integrity of data is of paramount importance. As every error-detection or correction code relies on a certain level of redundant information, it is important to consider the risk of data corruption when choosing the encoding for data storage. Our choice will have an impact on the memory required for data storage, as well as the speed of data processing. The article compares various types of error-correcting codes with the aim of determining the most effective for certain applications. First, different code types such as linear block codes, convolutional codes, and turbo codes are presented, followed by an evaluation of each code type's error-correcting capabilities. The article then provides an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each code type, as well as their suitability for various Industry 4.0 applications.


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How to Cite
Csikós, Sándor, György Czifra, and József Sárosi. 2023. “Comparison of Error Correction Codes for Industry 4.0 Applications”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):113-18.
Author Biographies

Sándor Csikós, University of Szeged Faculty of Engineering


György Czifra, Óbudai Egyetem Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Kar (Budapest)


József Sárosi, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Mechatronikai és Automatizálási Intézet (Szeged)

egyetemi tanár, stratégiai és fejlesztési dékánhelyettes


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