The Development of Controlling From the 20th Century to the Present Day

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Bagdács Péter


The scientific field of controlling has undergone great development in recent decades. In connection with financial accounting the management accounting activity was developed, which gathered it together the areas responsible for costs and results accounting and for planning, thus interweaving the entire company's activities, from the financial area to the production, sales, marketing, and human resources processes satisfying the management's ever-increasing need for information. Regarding the development of the controlling activity, we have to make difference between the Anglo-Saxon and the German trends. The fundamental difference is related to the location of controlling within the organizational framework, according to the English trend, controlling is an integral part of management, its main task is to help management to become capable of efficient allocation of resources. On the other hand, the German approach regarded controlling as an information-producing tool system as a separate organizational unit on the basis of which the manager was able to implement the various planning and control processes. However, the two trends have in common that, beyond the operational management areas controlling activities also extend to strategic levels, thus serving to effectively improve company performance.


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How to Cite
Péter, Bagdács. 2023. “The Development of Controlling From the 20th Century to the Present Day”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):29-35.
Author Biography

Bagdács Péter, Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar (Debrecen)

vállalkozásfejlesztés MSc-hallgató


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