Smart Stadiums – How the Digital Ecosystem is Reforming the Operation of Sports Infrastructure and the Model of Sports Services

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Anikó Molnár


Stadiums fundamentally influence the attractiveness of a sporting event, as the facility and the related additional services contribute significantly to increasing consumer interest, so their development and operation directly and indirectly contribute to increasing the scene's determining sources of income. Today's stadiums are facing increasing competition due to the development of home viewing options, which provide a better alternative for the crowd found at the scene. The highly digitizing world offers a range of technological solutions that can provide a competitive advantage in the fierce competition for consumer interest by augmenting various aspects of stadiums. The latest phenomenon of the last few years is the smart stadium, with smart devices integrated into the operation and digitization and cloud based systems, resulting in a renewal of measurement to such an extent that it fundamentally changes the management of sports services and affects every aspect of the stadium itself and the space surrounding it, thus improving consumer experiences and efficient facility management as well.


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How to Cite
Molnár, Anikó. 2023. “Smart Stadiums – How the Digital Ecosystem Is Reforming the Operation of Sports Infrastructure and the Model of Sports Services”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (1-2):141-63.
Digitalization and applied statistics
Author Biography

Anikó Molnár, University of Debrecen



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