The Importance Of Resilience In Regional and Territorial Development With Examples From Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

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Balázs Bartók
Mária Vasvári


Our work presents the study of resilience in the case of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Boldogkőváralja and Bódvalenke. We analyzed primarily the resilience, its concept and its appearance in different areas, thus reached for its role in regional and rural development. The article shows the aspects of resilience in the areas of regional and rural development, and the possibilities of developing an area in a resilient state. It is true for both sample areas or their narrower environment that tourism is currently the most important economic development factor. In connection with the development process, we asked the actors involved in the subject of the elected settlements with the help of a deep interview. Thus, we interviewed municipal leaders, persons involved in local programs, and locals involved in local tourism and analyzed their answers. As a result, we can see how the problem raised in the area appears from the perspective of individual interest leaders. And with reference to tourism, we can see the importance of a proper or improper management of a destination, how it can affect the life of an area, and how much an economy can be. Interview issues cover local opportunities, strengths, problems and risk factors for all two settlements, thus cover the data needed to create Swot analysis, ask for the purposes, the planned plans and their efficiency. The article mentions how important factors in regional development, such as infrastructure, can be a resilient, or, in the absence thereof, a less resilient. In the case of tourist destinations, the construction of super structure is also significant, which can be decisive for the operation of a destination, and we also asked about the interviews. We also asked about resilience about how much they are aware of the concept, how it appears in the life of the settlement, and how much they deal with the issue. Because resilience means tolerance against negative influences, it is important to map out the results of the answers to our questions what are these influences, and the municipalities have succeeded to stand against these effects. Whether economic-forming factors have appeared, and whether any direction in rural, peripheral areas has begun.


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How to Cite
Bartók, Balázs, and Mária Vasvári. 2023. “The Importance Of Resilience In Regional and Territorial Development With Examples From Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):53-72.
Author Biographies

Balázs Bartók, Debreceni Egyetem Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar (Debrecen)

geográfus MSc-hallgató

Mária Vasvári , Debreceni Egyetem Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar, Földtudományi Intézet, Tájvédelmi és Környezetföldrajzi Tanszék (Debrecen)

egyetemi adjunktus

Funding data


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