Trends in Solid Waste Management

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Margit Csipkés


With the development of technique and technology, the possibilities of including the generated waste in energy management are becoming more and more prominent, and in the case of materials that can be reprocessed, it is possible to produce new usable products from these materials. Processing waste into energy can be a convenient solution for environmental impact, energy production, and energy models. All of the energy models I studied were based on waste availability and waste type. As rural development plays an increasingly important role nowadays, it is necessary to think about the best way to extract energy from our waste in addition to waste production, as well as what processing options are available for the production of new products from waste. By preparing my article, my goal is to draw attention to the possibilities of using the waste in our environment, and to point out that by applying a well-thought-out technology, the generated waste can also be included in sustainable energy management.


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How to Cite
Csipkés, Margit. 2023. “Trends in Solid Waste Management”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (1-2):39-55.
Competitiveness and sustainable value creation
Author Biography

Margit Csipkés, University of Debrecen

PhD, egyetemi docens


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