Investigating the Spread of Electric Vehicles and Their Causes on a Global Scale

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Mártha Bernadett Béresné
Eszter Maklári


Sustainable economic development is one of today's frequently researched economic topics. The spread of the consumer society entails a lot of environmental protection problems. The latter is confirmed by the emissions of vehicles running on gasoline and diesel. To reduce air pollution, the distribution and use of electric vehicles has become increasingly popular globally, including in Europe. But what is the situation with developing countries or countries in a transitional economic situation? In the course of our study, we conducted a document analysis by studying documents, laws, and regulations, during which we mainly investigated the factors that caused the increase in the number of electric vehicles put into circulation. Examining several countries and grouping them according to economic development, we primarily looked for the answer to whether there is a generally appropriate “good practice” in terms of governmental incentive factors. We found that there is none. As a result of the numerous infrastructural, food, epidemic, and overpopulation problems plaguing the economy in developing countries, local management ignores and funds are aimed at solving the problems caused by environmental pollution, which is why these are almost not typical in the states in order to increase the number of cars with green license plates.


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How to Cite
Béresné, Bernadett Mártha, and Eszter Maklári. 2023. “Investigating the Spread of Electric Vehicles and Their Causes on a Global Scale”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (1-2):25-37.
Competitiveness and sustainable value creation
Author Biographies

Mártha Bernadett Béresné, University of Debrecen

PhD, egyetemi adjunktus

Eszter Maklári, University of Debrecen

számvitel MSc-hallgató


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