Work-Related Attitudes Among Railway Teachers

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Attila Farkas
Roland Filep
Krisztina Dajnoki


In recent decades, more and more attention has been paid to the instructor-student relationship, which can affect the success of students from elementary school to the field of adult education. Creating a stress-free environment not only has a positive effect on the work satisfaction of the teachers, but also on the students. Our goal was to examine the relationship between railway instructors and students, among our sub-goals was the analysis of the instructors' attitude to the organization and the difficulties experienced during the instructor's work. In addition to the analysis of descriptive statistics and the number of cases, we used conceptual systematization. Based on the results, the instructors follow an optimistic and friendly attitude, they feel that the students can be easily involved in the education. In professional work, the lack of knowledge on the part of the students is more of a difficulty than the attitude of the students. They find the goals of the organization clear, they are characterized by dedication to the profession, they value the close-knit community, and they are also more satisfied with the organization of the trainings. In addition to the overload, the currently operating examination system, the lack of educational tools and the limited time available appear as complicating factors. They would expect a little more support from the organization in relation to their work. We recommend the rethinking of the organization's training system with the involvement of trainers and wider, personalized support for trainers.


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How to Cite
Farkas, Attila, Roland Filep, and Krisztina Dajnoki. 2023. “Work-Related Attitudes Among Railway Teachers”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (1-2):85-95.
Education, health care, nutrition
Author Biographies

Attila Farkas, University of Debrecen


Roland Filep, University of Debrecen

PhD, tanársegéd

Krisztina Dajnoki, University of Debrecen

PhD, egyetemi tanár


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