Small Format Aerial Photography Remote Sensing Data Acquisition For Environmental Analysis
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Since February 2008, an advanced system has been developed to acquire digital images in the visible to near infrared wavelengths. Using this system, it is possible to acquire data for a large variety of applications. The core of the system consists of a Duncantech MS3100 CIR (Color-InfraRed) multi-spectral camera. The main advantages of the system are its affordability and flexibility; within an hour the system can be deployed against very competitive costs. In several steps, using ArcGIS, Python and Avenue scripts, the raw data is semi-automatically processed into geo-referenced mosaics. This paper presents the parts of the system, the image processing workflow and several potential applications of the images.
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Funding data
Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium
Grant numbers GOP - 1.1.1 - 08 / 1 -2008 – 0025 -
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Grant numbers T048903
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