Relationships between self-efficacy and psychological imunocompetence

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Anita Nagyné Hegedűs


Hungarian and international empirical research results confirm the importance of internal in maintaining mental balance and successfully coping with challenges. In this study, my goal was to map the self-efficacy of students participating in higher education, as well as their psychological resources, which include the areas covered by the Psychological Immune Competence Questionnaire. The results of the study proved that correlations can be demonstrated between the self-efficacy beliefs and psychological immunocompetence, of the responding special education students. Overall, based on the results of this study, it can be established that special education students have resources that can help them in their later practical and professional work. These resources can be used in the training process in connection with the complex formation of the personality and the strengthening of the areas to be developed. The acquisition of conscious attention to the resources of the personality can be considered one of the important tasks of the training process, with which education contributes to the preservation of the mental health of future teachers.

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How to Cite
Nagyné Hegedűs, A. (2023). Relationships between self-efficacy and psychological imunocompetence. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(2), 3–14.


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