Benefits of Tube Phonation in Speech Thearapy

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Márta Kelemen
Dominika Hegedűsné Dudás


Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises have a long history in Europe and include tube phonation (Guzman, 2017). In tube phonation, the sound is vocalized into a tube. The free end of the tube can be submerged in water or held in the air. In Hungary, tube-phonating techniques are not yet widespread. Perhaps this is both a reason and a consequence of the fact that there is only a very limited amount of literature on the subject in Hungarian. This work is an attempt to fill this gap. At the beginning of the paper, the theoretical knowledge that is essential for understanding the mechanism of action of tube phonation is presented, followed by an introduction to the operation, effects, uses and necessity of the tube phonation technique.

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How to Cite
Kelemen, M., & Hegedűsné Dudás, D. (2023). Benefits of Tube Phonation in Speech Thearapy. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(2), 31–45.


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