Playful development ofchildren with auditory dyslexia For teachers developing children between 1st and 4th grade

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Viktória Peszeki
Nóra Velkey


We believe that it is useful when children are not taught in the traditional way by employing frontal instructions during teaching and developmental activities, but we try to implement more varied teaching methods. We have elaborated activities for children with auditory dyslexia in the light of the abovementioned factors. During the tasks embedded in a frame story we have managed to retrieve the treasures stolen by pirates as sailors. During the tasks we have been able to meet several animals and magical creatures who were sometimes supporting us and other times they were hindering our mission. Besides solving problems in a playful manner we have put the emphasis on the development of creativity, attention and cooperation. We have tried to create such activities that could help a teacher and a developmental teacher, as well.

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How to Cite
Peszeki, V., & Velkey, N. (2018). Playful development ofchildren with auditory dyslexia For teachers developing children between 1st and 4th grade. Módszertani Közlemények, 58(2), 40–54. Retrieved from