The tools and methods of music therapy and mapping its theorists in a pedagogical framework

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Magdolna Magdolna


The challenges of pedagogy include the resolution of stressful social situations, the introduction of methods and tools for development and prevention in the process of education and upbringing. The use of music as a tool has become natural, but the background knowledge, the skills acquired through training, are not available to a wide range of teachers, and the tools to make an impact are lacking. There is a lack of cooperation between different disciplines, between theoreticians and practitioners. This gap is evident from a brief review of both national and international studies. The present study aims to take stock of the physiological and physiological effects, tools and methods of music therapy, some studies on the transfer effects of music and to highlight the thin line between pedagogy and therapy.

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How to Cite
Magdolna, M. (2023). The tools and methods of music therapy and mapping its theorists in a pedagogical framework. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(4), 3–17.


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