Wooden spoons in hand! A forgotten teaching tool and its inventor, a „kind, eccentric music teacher”

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Tamás Bíró-Balogh
Nóra Tatai


A patent for ‘wooden spoon-violin’ (its official name being ‘teaching implement for learning the violin’) was requested on 1st of December 1934 and granted the following year. The inventor, József Veres – a renowned Budapest based violin teacher – was pegged as an eccentric despite being uniquely talented not only musically but also pedagogically, his unfaltering enthusiasm giving wings to his pupils. The basis of his successful method was teaching a complicated, multifaceted mechanism of movement by dissecting it to its core elements and practicing those separately. A method like this is not at all foreign to current methodology yet Veres’s invention was forgotten, never to be used anywhere after his retirement.

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How to Cite
Bíró-Balogh, T., & Tatai, N. (2023). Wooden spoons in hand! A forgotten teaching tool and its inventor, a „kind, eccentric music teacher”. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(4), 47–64. https://doi.org/10.14232/modszertani.2023.4.47-64


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