Szervezeti változásokat kiváltó tényezők empirikus vizsgálata = An empirical analysis of trigger events toward organizational changes

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Mária Ujhelyi
András István Kun


104 years after Taylor, in the 21st century organizations have to face the
challenges of environmental changes. It is essential how fast and efficiently
they are able to react. In 2014 a research was conducted on this topic with the
contribution of students of the University of Debrecen, Hungary, surveying
organizations which had experiences on at least one significant programme of
organizational change within the last 5 years. The owners or managers responsible
for the changes were asked to fill in a questionnaire about the attributes and also about the management of these organisational changes. In this paper, after a brief review of the literature we will analyse the conditions and root causes of changes using 105 questionnaires, which was collected. We examine which were the most important external or internal environmental factors that led to the changes. We also try to measure whether there are differences in these factors' roles according to entrepreneurship form, size, company group membership, ownership structure, or sector.

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How to Cite
Ujhelyi, Mária, and András István Kun. 2016. “Szervezeti változásokat kiváltó tényezők Empirikus vizsgálata = An Empirical Analysis of Trigger Events Toward Organizational Changes”. TAYLOR 8 (2):36-43.