Aszinkronitás a magyar oktatási, kiemelten a szakképzési rendszer reformjában = Asynchronism in the reform of Hungarian education, especially in the reform of vocational training

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Magdolna Láczay
Gyula Szabó


Hungarian educational policy witnessed a significant change between 2010
and 2013. Laws were introduced in order to launch the reorganization of the
management and financing of public education, vocational training, higher and
adult education. In this way, the centralization and nationalization of education
was started. In order to take the laws into force they needed to be harmonized not
only with the national legal system and practice but also with the validation of
common European principles and means. The latter ones were undertaken by the
government following Hungary's accession to the European Union and the signing
of the Lisbon Treaty. They were also required by the economic co-operations and
the local plants of international companies. Parallel to the formation of the new
model of educational management, the Hungarian public administration system
was also altered and so the interpretation and the practice of school maintenance,
operation and professional systems required a complete reform. The reform of vocational training is of great importance because a high level of unemployment as well as a lack of manpower are both significant for the economy of Hungary. They have raised the demand for the improvement of the quality and the relevance of the training. The introduction of the new educational-training paradigm has been supported by several studies and European Union resources but its operation requires continuous correction.

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How to Cite
Láczay, Magdolna, and Gyula Szabó. 2016. “Aszinkronitás a Magyar oktatási, Kiemelten a szakképzési Rendszer reformjában = Asynchronism in the Reform of Hungarian Education, Especially in the Reform of Vocational Training”. TAYLOR 8 (3):159-66.