The relationship between motivation and human capital theory : 2.
Human Capital is the most valuable resource of a company. In nowadays there are no exact ways about how can we measure it. Recognizing or measuring knowledge and skills of employees also has strategic importance. Lepak- Snell (1999) Becker (1962) and Schulcz et. al. (2013) speak in their paper about the level of motivation. A perfectly motivated employee is more valuable. But how can we measure the value of motivation? What psychologists think about perfect motivation? Based on Deci and Ryan's (2000) self-determination theory we could assume that speak about perfect motivation is equal to intrinsic motivation. We have measured the levels of motivation (intrinsically and extrinsically) on a sample (N=471). In the paper, we search the answer for the question: is the intrinsically motivated person is more valuable for a university or for a firm, or an extrinsically motivated person can also add the amount of value.
Hogyan kell idézni
Benke, Mariann, és Julianna Németh. 2016. „The Relationship Between Motivation and Human Capital Theory : 2”. TAYLOR 8 (3):13-19.
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