Egy hazai iparvállalat a multinacionális konszern ellen
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The study presents a case of the formation of the domestic manufacturing industry, particularly the history of the Patria Ersatz Coffee Factory in Nagykanizsa. In the Continental Europe the ersatz coffee production and trading was controlled by the German Franck Concern through a hundred years. But in the last thirty years of the 19th century the thought of development of the domestic industry strengthened in Hungary. This was used by the Nagykanizsa headquartered Schwartz and Tauber wholesale company, which built up his ersatz coffee factory in 1906. The company used his commercial network to distribute his products. The Patria gained a market share of 5–6% on the domestic market in two years. The investment came off with the support of the state and the city. The products of the Pátria represented high quality; this fact was proven by winning several fair awards. Market fight began among the two companies, yet the conditions were unequal. The subsistence of the Patria depended on whether he managed to gain orders from the state or large companies. After three years of successful operation the Patria was reorganised as a shareholder group, and later the shares were bought up by the Franck Concern.
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How to Cite
Kaposi, Zoltán. 2014. “Egy Hazai iparvállalat a multinacionális Konszern Ellen”. Köztes-Európa 6 (1):61-73.