Az Antonita lovagrend ispotályainak működtetése a középkori Magyarországon

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Orsolya Falus


The predecessor of Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony was a congregation founded in the end of the 11th century at La-Motte-Saint-Didier in France with the purpose of caring for pilgrims particularly those suffering from the common medieval disease of ergot poisoning or “St. Anthony’s fire”. Chartered data concerning the Hungarian activities of the order have been preserved from the beginning of the 14th century. According to those it seems to be obvious that the Hungarian and Slavonian central houses worked as separate convents with the joint headquarters of Dravce (Daróc) in Szepes, Slovakia. Written data remained about the order’s hospital in Bratislava (Pozsony) from 1309 when the municipality took over its management of the order, which way only the privilege of spiritual care remained for the antonines. The study deals with the management of the hospitals of the order, the income of this activity and the relationship among the antonines and the free royal towns on the basis of the extent of the contract and of other documents remained fully.

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How to Cite
Falus, Orsolya. 2014. “Az Antonita Lovagrend ispotályainak működtetése a középkori Magyarországon”. Köztes-Európa 6 (1):201-8.