Az Észak-alföldi régió hátrányos gazdasági helyzetének főbb okai, megújuló energiaforrások hasznosítása, mint lehetséges kitörési pont

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Tünde Orsolya Nagy


The development gaps existing between individual areas of the European Community were not equalized after realization of the four freedoms and the common market either. From the 1960s, the need for harmonizing the regional policies and then the establishment of the communal regional policy have become more and more pronounced. In the European Union resting on the basis of the European Community, it is still a task of strategic importance to get the less developed regions caught up with the more developed areas. In this treatise, I examine – in relation to regional policy of the EU – the main reasons of the disadvantageous economic situation of Észak-Alföld (Northern Great Plain) region and the possibilities for utilizing the renewable energy sources. This region is a key strategic area with regard to the Hungarian agriculture; in spite of this, it has been one of the most underdeveloped regions for a long time. Most subregions of Észak-Alföld region belong to the most disadvantaged ones in terms of territorial development. I particularly examine the following things among the main causes lurking behind the disadvantageous economic situation: the organisational system background of economy, the reasons for inadequate intensity of capital investment from abroad, the low levels of research and development outgoings as well as the transport infrastructure. Following that, I present the region’s potentials in utilizing biomass and geothermal energy.

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How to Cite
Nagy, Tünde Orsolya. 2015. “Az Észak-alföldi régió hátrányos gazdasági helyzetének főbb Okai, Megújuló energiaforrások hasznosítása, Mint lehetséges kitörési Pont”. Köztes-Európa 7 (1-2):26-39.