A foglalkoztatás és az árbevétel kapcsolata a debreceni iparágakban = The relationship between employment and revenues in the industries of Debrecen

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István Kovács


This paper is concerning with the analysis of the relationship between employment and revenues in the most important industries of Debrecen. We try to identify the model that explains the relationship of these two indicators best. With these models one can estimate the employment potential of the different industries, so this analysis contributes to the labour market policies by serving practically useful database for the possible outcomes of labour market interventions. Without a doubt, larger employment can be achieved only by having larger revenue, but the ratio varies in the case of different industries. In most cases, there is a strong positive correlation between the indicators, that is shown by scatter plots. These results are robust to the change of the years: we tested them on the whole period from 2012 to 2015. In some cases, the removal of some outlier provides more realistic results, but these limitations lower the explanatory power of the regression models (by having a lower R-square).

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Hogyan kell idézni
Kovács, István. 2017. „A foglalkoztatás és Az árbevétel Kapcsolata a Debreceni iparágakban = The Relationship Between Employment and Revenues in the Industries of Debrecen”. Köztes-Európa 9 (1-2):307-15. https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12767.