A felnőttképzés jellemzői. 1. rész : a képzés és fejlesztés "házon kívüli" módszerei
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The knowledge-based society and economy has a new demands írom employee. The long life leaming is becoming reality. Where upon the theory and practice of training and development is growing day after day. HR-managers, HR-specialist and researchers produced several models and methods of training and development. There can be sorted two big groups:
1. On the job methods
2. Off the job methods
Recent essay is dealing with the theory of “off the job” methods. Accordingly we review the Hungárián HR-books and essays dealing with “on the job” methods. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, sort and evaluate them.
1. On the job methods
2. Off the job methods
Recent essay is dealing with the theory of “off the job” methods. Accordingly we review the Hungárián HR-books and essays dealing with “on the job” methods. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, sort and evaluate them.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Gulyás, L. (2014). A felnőttképzés jellemzői. 1. rész : a képzés és fejlesztés "házon kívüli" módszerei. Közép-Európai Közlemények, 7(2), 251–260. Elérés forrás https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/12238
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