The Dance as the Construction of New Homes and New Borders

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Ana Galina Giselle Paredes Padilla


The unstable contemporary society, which includes the complexity of bodily technologies, infringes the concepts of home and border that is compatible with the subjectivity of migrants, who, far from their own, opt to integrate themselves into other cultural horizons; for this purpose, they begin with their bodies and appearances, taking into account the sophistication of their bodily expressivities as aesthetic referents of transformation. In this paper we show, from two life stories, how the body's own technologies of dance, become mediators in the construction of local leadership and alternate citizenships.


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How to Cite
Paredes Padilla, A. G. G. (2018). The Dance as the Construction of New Homes and New Borders. Acta Hispanica, 23, 349–360.
Author Biography

Ana Galina Giselle Paredes Padilla

Bachillera en arte con mención en Grabado y con estudios concluidos de maestría en antropología visual, por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Docente en la especialidad de grabado de la Facultad de Arte de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.


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