From the United States to Mexico and Peru. Paul Fejos and Pal Kelemen, Two Hungarians Looking for the Footprints of Pre-Colombian Civilizations

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The film director, Paul Fejős (1897-1963), is best known for his film career developed in Hungary, Denmark, the United States and other countries. Since the second half of the 1930s, he left his career to devote himself to his anthropological and archaeological research. In this way, he arrived in Peru where he made a research trip exploring 18 archaeological sites in the Machu Picchu region and, later, studied an Amazonian tribe, the Yagua that live in regions near the Colombian and Brazilian borders. The archaeologist and art historian, Pál Kelemen (1894-1993) arrived in the United States in 1932 and began a long professional career during which he conducted several travel studies in different Latin American countries, being the author of a considerable number of books on the pre-Columbian and colonial art recognized internationally. In my paper, my objective is to study the anthropological and archaeological activities of the two researchers, carried out in Peru (Paul Fejős) and in Mexico (Pál Kelemen) during the 1930s.


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How to Cite
Jancsó, K. (2018). From the United States to Mexico and Peru. Paul Fejos and Pal Kelemen, Two Hungarians Looking for the Footprints of Pre-Colombian Civilizations. Acta Hispanica, 23, 297–314.
Author Biography

Katalin Jancsó

Profesora contratada doctora en el Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Szeged. Sus principales áreas de interés son la historia y la situación social y económica de las minorías y los inmigrantes en América Latina. Hizo investigaciones en Perú y México y defendió su tesis de doctorado en 2008 sobre el indigenismo político temprano en el Perú. Sus temas más especiales de investigación son el indigenismo en el Perú y México, los inmigrantes asiáticos en América Latina, las mujeres en la historia latinoamericana y la presencia de los inmigrantes húngaros en América Latina.


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Arizona Archives Online
- Pál Kelemen Papers, 1914-1986, Bibliographical note
Colección Vasváry de la Biblioteca Somogyi de Szeged
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Paul Fejős. 1941. Yagua
Paul Fejős. 1938. En handfull ris