From the Modernizing Dictatorship to the Hybrid Post-democracy. Political and Economic Changes in Brazil (1964-1985)

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István Szilágyi


In South-America over the past seventy years the contradictions of economic, social and political structures have been deepening. In order to surmount the structural crisis the different political forces and governments have elaborated various strategies. One of the replies to the crisis was given by the Latin-American Military Forces. The takeover committed by the Brazilian Army on 1 April,1964 meant the beginning of a new militarism. The new types of military dictatorship created excepcional states and started the total reorganization and modernization of the societies - economic, political and ideological - territories. The break-down of the military dictatorships in South-America took place in the 1980s and 1990s and it was to say that a new era started in the history of Latin-America. In Brasil the military system lost his power in March,1985 and the democratic system was intended to be restored, which meant a new period in the history of that country. Brasil has changed and has been modernized, however the enclaves of historical heritage with the great influence have not disappeared and the economic and social inequalities have not essentially decreased yet. The study aims at analizing the economic and political changes during the period of dictatorship in Brasil.


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How to Cite
Szilágyi, I. (2018). From the Modernizing Dictatorship to the Hybrid Post-democracy. Political and Economic Changes in Brazil (1964-1985). Acta Hispanica, 23, 69–84.
Author Biography

István Szilágyi

Es doctor de la Academia Húngara de Ciencias, catedrático del Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad de Pécs. Sus investigaciones se centran en la geopolítica comparativa, en los modelos de modernización en América Latina y en el Mediterráneo. Es autor de unos veinte libros y de 200 artículos científicos.


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