The Openness of Amereida. Travesía and Ciudad Abierta as Spaces of Encounters and Collaboration

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Magdalena Barbaruk


The objective of the article is Amereida's presentation from the perspective of cultural studies. According to the author, it is a phenomenon that can serve as a model of ambiguous relations in Latin America and Europe, which are closely related to the idea of ​​community and cooperation. Amereida's idea was established in “crossing” (a trip by the group of architects, poets, artists from America and Europe that crossed the American continent in 1965 for its cultural decolonization) and have been carried out since 1970 in “the Open City” (Chile). Amereida although it seems dependent on Western patterns (neologism "Amereida" is a combination of "America" ​​and "Aeneid") is rather an example of modern Latin Americanism. In conclusion Barbaruk postulates the use of other, heterogeneous theoretical tools to describe the Amereida phenomenon: ideas taken from A. Rimbaud (“I is another”), G. Deleuze, F. Guattari (minor literature), M. Bajtín (exotopia), J. Derrida (spectre) or suture concept.


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How to Cite
Barbaruk, M. (2020). The Openness of Amereida. Travesía and Ciudad Abierta as Spaces of Encounters and Collaboration . Acta Hispanica, (II), 655–662.
Author Biography

Magdalena Barbaruk, Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Wroclaw

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies (University of Wrocław). She examines the cultural potential of literature, its influence on human identities and literary "mapping" of space. She studied legacy of Miguel de Cervantes in the humanities and culture (PhD tesis “The Axiotic Spaces of Quixotism. The Figure of Don Quixote in Contemporary Humanities”; research project “La Mancha as a Land of Literature. Cultural Status of Literary Routes”, 2012-2014, National Science Center, Poland). She published two monographs, “The Long Shadow of Don Quixote” (Frankfurt am Main 2015), “The Sense of Wandering. La Mancha and its periphery” (Kraków 2018) and realized a documentary "Errant Maps”, Jagiellonian University, 2014). Now she realizes the research project “Trajectories of Words. The Cultural Impact of Amereida” (National Science Center, Poland, 2018-2020).


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