The Bodies in Front of Power Representations of Violence in the Chilean Poetry of the Dictatorial Period

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Bruno Renato Serrano Navarro


Abstract: The military Punch from 1973, meant the foundation of a new order and his new Nation’s design. Deployment in which the authority settled in the capacity of to make und to administrate the infringement of the bodies und the discourses. In this context of censorship and expansion of the State terrorism, the poetic discourses far from retreating into self-silence and crystallizing into the remnants of interrupted tradition, expand their comprehensions of the scriptural act and inscriptions towards the political place of the extratext, thus providing a plurality of discourses of impugnation and ways of apprehending for the representation the place of the bodies and the city respect to the violence that them codifies as spaces of power and resistance.


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Serrano Navarro, B. R. (2020). The Bodies in Front of Power: Representations of Violence in the Chilean Poetry of the Dictatorial Period. Acta Hispanica, (II), 573–585.
Author Biography

Bruno Renato Serrano Navarro, Georg-August University, Göttingen

Bruno Serrano Navarro (1982), gestor cultural, profesor de Lenguaje y Comunicaciones, Master en Literatura Hispanoamericana contemporánea por la Universidad Austral de Chile y Doctor (Dess.) en Filología Románica en la Georg-August Universität de Göttingen, Alemania, donde actualmente se desempeña como docente externo para asignaturas vinculadas a los estudios literarios latinoamericanos.


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