Neikame, to be or not to be Wixárika
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In Mexico the indigenous groups have been idealized as an example of worth and resistance of the different forms of conquest, nevertheless, the situation of social vulnerability that its members live, forces people to join a world that marginalizes them and in many cases, requires them to leave their own traditions, customs and ways of life, however, there are those who endure and adapt to the new environment through strategies in an effort to protect and transmit their cultural roots. The present work has the purpose of showing the duality experienced by the members of indigenous groups, when they choose to migrate to the city in search of better living conditions and the problems they face when forming their family life away from the community of origin, while facing to maintain their traditions in a globalized world, which is achieved through the life of Neikame, artist and activist promoter of the culture of the Wixárika people.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-08-31
Published 2023-12-19
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