Catalan Terminological Databases as a Means of Language Policy

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Eszter Sermann


Terminological databases are reliable and useful tools for translators, because they contain not only the basic grammatical information related to the terms, but also facilitate the conceptual analysis necessary for the translation of the terms. High quality databases that are compiled according to terminological principles also serve language policy purposes and fulfil terminological policy tasks. In recent years, the Catalan language as an element of Catalan identity has also become the focus of interest in parallel with the independence movement in Catalonia. This paper aims to present and analyse five Catalan terminological databases compiled by TERMCAT, the Catalan Center for Terminology and two universities in Catalonia. A comprehensive classification and evaluation system will be used for the analysis of the databases, which includes four main aspects: background information, technical parameters, information on the content and the usage of the termbases. The databases presented here are the result of a conscious effort by the professionals responsible for terminology and the database as well as the associated workflow, can serve as a good practice for other language communities.


Article Details

Hogyan kell idézni
Sermann, E. (2021). Catalan Terminological Databases as a Means of Language Policy. Acta Hispanica, (III), 75–87.
Információk a szerzőről

Eszter Sermann, University of Szeged

Eszter Sermann, PhD is the Secretary of the Terminology Workgroup of the Hungarian Association of Applied Linguists and Language Teachers (MANYE), and a member of the Terminology Research Group (TERMIK) at the Károli Gáspár University and the Council of Hungarian Terminology (MATT). She is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Italian Linguistics and Literature, and has been involved in translator and interpreter training for many years. She has been teaching Translation Studies, Terminology Theory and Practice, Translation and Interpreting. She is interested in translation oriented terminology, translation tools and terminology databases; she has published several articles on these topics in Hungarian, English, Spanish and Italian. She also works as a freelance translator of technical and literary texts, and she also contributed to the first English-Hungarian termbase on laser physics, the DictionEli.

Received 2021-08-02
Accepted 2021-08-29
Published 2021-10-29


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