Heroísmo y suerte en hija de la fortuna : análisis de las parejas actanciales

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Georges Moukouti Onguedou


Isabel Allende’s Hija de la fortuna (1999) relates the itinerary of the young Eliza
Sommers from Valparaíso (Chile) to California (United States) by the middle of the XIX
Century. The trip, caused by the Gold Rush, is also undertaken by other Hispanics. This
event supposes the possibilities of attraction and repulsion of the Californian space. In a
functional analysis of the couples of actors, it’s possible to see the different forces in the heroic
action of the main character. It can also be noticed how some particular forces – spaces and
characters mainly – interact.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Onguedou, G. M. (2010). Heroísmo y suerte en hija de la fortuna : análisis de las parejas actanciales. Acta Hispanica, 15, 57–68. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2010.15.57-68
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