Possibilities of optimizing fuel consumption in hybrid and electronic airplanes





hybrid and electronic airplanes, fuel consumption, optimization model


The automotive industry was always characterized by innovation and the use of cutting edge technology. Daily we can see vehicles packed with technological advancements. The main focus of the current technological trend is electric drives. With the rise in popularity of electric cars more types of vehicles are adapting electric drives. In the case of airplanes the standards are higher than in the case of cars so the emphasis of research and innovation is greater.

This paper presents a list of the challenges electric aircrafts face and their potential solutions. Currently many of these problems currently only have partial solutions if any. There is also a comparison between the properties of materials used and the expectations for hybrid aircraft. A comprehensive model was created taking into account the criteria set for hybrid and electric aircraft. With the aid of the model the effect of the most important components on efficiency can be assessed.



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How to Cite

Gogolák, L., Csikós, S., Molnár, T., Szuchy, P., Bíró, I., & Sárosi, J. (2019). Possibilities of optimizing fuel consumption in hybrid and electronic airplanes. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 13(2), 65–76. https://doi.org/10.14232/analecta.2019.2.65-76




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