Az élelmiszerpazarlás jelentősége és minimalizálási lehetőségei a szállodaiparban

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Klára Karakasné Morvay


Year 2017 is dedicated to Sustainable Tourism, so more attention is being paid to examining the environmental impact of tourism. The European Union produces approximately 88 million tonnes of food waste per year, per capita about 173 kilograms (Foodbank, 2016). Consumers, merchants and caterers account for 70 percent of this. The UN (Sustainability Development Goals 12.3) has set a 50% reduction in waste by 2030. Commerce has been dealing with the issue for years, but the hospitality and hotel industry is still at the beginning of this journey. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of food waste and explore the critical points where domestic caterers and hotels can do a lot to reduce the waste, even without significant expenditure.


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How to Cite
Karakasné Morvay, Klára. 2017. “Az élelmiszerpazarlás jelentősége és minimalizálási lehetőségei a szállodaiparban”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (4):233-45.