The Importance of “Technicalized” Landscapes in the Lives of Young Technical Engineer Candidates

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Valéria Nagy
Chao-Tang Wang


Landscape has an effect on people, however, as a consequence of human activity, landscape changes / might change, which can also have negative psychological and physiological effects, too. Competence-rich landscape is an extremely “complex jewellery” in our lives, contributing to the preservation of our health, in a broader sense, a determinant of our well-being. The aim of this paper is to assess the value that future technical engineers approach to surrounding area/landscape by knowing the action – reaction mechanism in relation to their own health, in addition to their attitude in the process of preserving and shaping competence-rich landscapes. This objective was achieved through a short survey (analysis of the opinions of 68 university students). As a result of the transdisciplinary survey (questionnaire), the concepts of calmness, relaxation, resting, sports (cycling, running, hiking, walking) are most often associated with the definition of landscape/scenery in the topic of health preservation. The results also show that among the young adults surveyed, the present of “world experience” (in terms of “technicalized” landscapes) is appreciated, while the percentage of those worried about the impact of future landscape potential on health is approximately 70%. Based on the results, in the future, it is essential to keep paying attention, as well as to strengthen in engineer candidates that in their course of their works do not neglect ecological impact assessments besides technological impact assessments due to the creation of landscapes with positive psychological and physiological effects.


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How to Cite
Nagy, Valéria, and Chao-Tang Wang. 2020. “The Importance of ‘Technicalized’ Landscapes in the Lives of Young Technical Engineer Candidates”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 15 (3-4):67-73.
Consumer value judgement and awareness