The Importance of ICT Tools and Controlling in Agriculture, in Particular Software and Mobile Applications

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Szeréna Nagy
Vilmos Lakatos


Digitalisation is a process that is spreading to all sectors, and modern agriculture is unthinkable without digital technologies. ICT tools, IoT and Big Data are an integral part of digitalisation. The use of digital technologies is one of the pillars of precision agriculture. The CAP has set nine general objectives for the period 2023-2027, one of which is the digitalisation of agriculture. The use of digital tools will significantly increase the amount of data, which is why it is necessary to integrate them into business information systems to help farmers make more efficient decisions. The concept of precision agriculture is slowly becoming embedded and linked to the concept of Smart Farming, i.e. Agriculture 4.0, while at the same time the operation of precision agriculture is increasingly becoming an integrated farm management system and has an impact on the entire production chain. Farm management software, data analytics and mobile applications are the pillars of digital agriculture, which help farmers in many ways and make farm management simpler, more transparent and more efficient. The aim of the current research is to present the role of ICT in agriculture, the mobile applications and software available for farmers in the European and Romanian markets, and to provide insights into the evolution of precision agriculture in the European and Romanian markets.


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How to Cite
Nagy, Szeréna, and Vilmos Lakatos. 2022. “The Importance of ICT Tools and Controlling in Agriculture, in Particular Software and Mobile Applications”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 17 (1-2):93-108.
Information technology and statistics