Challenges of Subsurface Hydrogen Storage in Balancing Periodic Renewable Electricity Production

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Marianna Dr. Vadászi
Katalin Tomkóné Nyiri


The latest scientific research is aimed at promoting a carbon-free economy in addition to the use of electricity from renewable energy sources. Although renewable energy sources can provide a solution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, they are seasonal, thereby resulting in a renewable energy surplus or deficit when combined with the annually changing but constant energy demand. Therefore, it is essential to develop a long-term storage system that balances their periodic demand and supply. In our article, we present the effects of hydrogen on the storage reservoir, we describe the types of underground storage, which are determined by the energy initially used for production, the form of the final energy consumed, energy conversion methods and combinations of these elements.


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How to Cite
Dr. Vadászi, Marianna, and Katalin Tomkóné Nyiri. 2023. “Challenges of Subsurface Hydrogen Storage in Balancing Periodic Renewable Electricity Production”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):537-47.
Author Biographies

Marianna Dr. Vadászi, University of Miskolc

intézeti tanszékvezető egyetemi docens

Katalin Tomkóné Nyiri, Miskolci Egyetem


Funding data


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