Fight for customers Correlations of Trade Organizations and Sales Promotion on the Hungarian FMCG market

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Kata Földi
Ibolya Pénzes
Éva Pólya


Tract of time after the millennial brought well definable changes in retailers’ trade organizations and marketing activity in the Hungarian three-pole FMCG market. Operation conditions of enterprises became more complicated which is also reflected in the variability of the number and intensity of relevant influencing factors as well as in the difficulties of forecasting them. Out of these the change of consumer/purchase behaviour, the growth of competition intensity, the swell of procurement marketing, changes in channel position, the innovation of informatics and info communication tools, the dominant change of economic environment, the stiffening legislation and the unexpected influence of ecological environment can be highlighted. An important starting point for exploring the impact of the changes focusing on market competition is that the number and activity of chain stores operating in Hungary has stabilized, which has shifted the direction of research to explore the relationship between trade organization and marketing, improving competitive advantages and management efficiency.


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How to Cite
Földi, Kata, Pénzes Ibolya, and Pólya Éva. 2024. “Fight for Customers Correlations of Trade Organizations and Sales Promotion on the Hungarian FMCG Market”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (3-4):71-80.
Corporate success, sales promotion, consumer behaviour and product development
Author Biographies

Kata Földi, University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Marketing and Commerce

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Ibolya Pénzes, Wekerle Business Schoool (Budapest)

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Éva Pólya, Budapest Business School Faculty of International Management and Business, Department of Marketing (Budapest)

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