Experience-based learning - or models and games in the education of history and science subjects based on ability development

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Mónika Mucsiné Erdei


The development of the perception of time and space, as well as the development of abstract concepts, play a significant role in the higher education of students with learning disabilities. The learning of history and natural science subjects is one of the most difficult areas for students with special educational needs, so it is also a challenging task for the special education teacher to make the contents of the curriculum visual and to support learning. In my writing, I use student works to show examples of development opportunities in different areas of orientation, education based.

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How to Cite
Mucsiné Erdei, M. (2023). Experience-based learning - or models and games in the education of history and science subjects based on ability development. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(2), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.14232/modszertani.2023.2.58-70


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